
The Microscopy/Histology Facility houses several microscopes and other similar imaging instruments to make sure that they are available for users. Instruments are maintained and users are trained by Jim Janoso. 

Users, prospective users, and other curious parties are encouraged to contact Jim with any questions at jajanoso@alaska.edu. 

For histology Pat Rivera is available to assist and train users. We can provide sectioning of paraffin embedded and frozen blocks of tissue, H&E, special stains and  immunohistochemistry treatments to paraffin embedded tissues, frozen sections and fresh slices. Please contact Pat to discuss the details of your request.

All active projects are expected to have a current Project Registration Form

All instruments can be reserved at HaMR.alaska.edu.

Meet the Scopes:

Nikon E80i (Scope-01)

Available with 1x – 100x magnification
4K resolution camera for video and stills
Motorized x, y, and z axis

Techniques include:

  • Bright Field
  • Phase
  • Multichannel fluorescence
  • DIC
  • Polarization (simple)

More information

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

Nikon TE2000U (Scope-02)

Available with 2x – 100x magnification
4K resolution camera for video and stills
Motorized x, y, and z axis

Techniques include:

  • Bright Field
  • Phase
  • Multichannel fluorescence
  • DIC
  • Polarization (simple)
  • Live Cell Imaging

More information

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

Nikon Olympus FV10i-Liv (Scope-03)

Available with 10x and 60x magnification
Motorized x, y, and z axis

Techniques include: 

  • Laser Confocal (405nm, 473nm, 559nm, and 635nm)
  • Phase
  • Multichannel fluorescence
  • Live Cell Imaging

More information

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

Nikon Olympus FSX100 (Scope-04)

Available with 4.2x – 80x magnification
12.5 Megapixel integrated camera
Motorized x, y, and z axis

Techniques include:

  • Bright Field
  • Phase
  • Multichannel fluorescence

More information

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

Nikon TS100 (Scope-05)

Available with 2x – 100x magnification
4K resolution camera for videos and stills

Contrast Techniques include:

  • Bright Field
  • Phase
  • Hoffman Modulation (10x)

More information

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

Nikon TE2000U (Scope-06)

Available with 2x – 100x magnification
4K resolution camera for videos and stills

Contrast Techniques include:

  • Bright Field
  • Phase
  • Multichannel Fluorescence
  • Live Cell Imaging

More information

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

Olympus IX81-DSU (Scope-10)

Available with 4x – 40x magnification
4K resolution camera for videos and stills

Contrast Techniques include:

  • Bright Field
  • Confocal - Spinning Disk
  • Multichannel Fluorescence
  • Live Cell Imaging

More information

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

Nikon Eclipse FN1 (Scope-11)

Available with 4x – 40x magnification
4K resolution camera for videos and stills

Contrast Techniques include:

  • Bright Field
  • Multichannel Fluorescence
  • Live Cell Imaging

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

Tecan Spark  (Scope-12)

Available with 4x magnification

4K resolution camera for 

videos and stills

Contrast Techniques include:

  • Bright Field
  • Cell Counting
  • Multichannel Fluorescence
  • Live Cell Imaging

You can check the calendar for instrument availability here.

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